We make quality pipes that suit all your needs.


Vision: To support responsible and sustainable initiatives, while taking care of the concern for People, Planet and Profit. Policy brief & purpose

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) company policy refers to our responsibility toward our environment. Our company’s existence is not lonely. It’s part of a bigger system of people, values, other organizations and nature. The social responsibility of a business is to give back to the society just as it gives to us.


1. Hunger, Poverty, Malnutrition And Health:

2. Physically Disabled Human:

3. Orphan Children Development:

4. Widow Development:

5. Gaushala and Birds Home:

6. Literacy and Education:

7. Rural Development Projects:

8. Gender Equality And Empowerment Of Women:

9. Environmental Sustainability:

10. Water Sanitation and Hygiene:

11. National Heritage, Art And Culture:

12. Training To Promote Sports:

13. Development Of Rural And Slum Areas:

14. Old Age Homes:

15. Disaster Management And Rehabilitation Activities:

Policy elements

We want to be a responsible business that meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.Our company’s social responsibility falls under two categories: compliance and pro-activeness. Compliance refers to our company’s commitment to legality and willingness to observe community values. Pro-activeness is every initiative to promote human rights, help communities and protect our natural environment.



Being compliance oriented company; we respect the law and will follow all the requirement procedure to fulfill corporate social responsibility as per the requirement of companies Act, 2013.

Business ethics

We’ll always conduct business with integrity and respect to human rights. Our company recognizes the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. We’ll always follow best practices when disposing garbage and using chemical substances. Stewardship will also play an important role.

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities:

Protecting the environment:

Our company recognizes the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. We’ll always follow best practices when disposing garbage and using chemical substances. Stewardship will also play an important role.

Human rights:

Our company is dedicated to protecting human rights. We are a committed equal opportunity employer and will abide by all fair labor practices. We’ll ensure that our activities do not directly or indirectly violate human rights in any country (e.g. forced labor).


Donations and aid

Our company may preserve a budget to make monetary donations. These donations will aim to:

1. Education

2. Health

3. Sanitization and Hygiene

4. Foods and Water facilities

5. Old age homes

6. Plantation

7. Poverty

8. Gaushala

9. Orphan Children, Physically Disable Human, Widow

10. National Calamities


Our company will encourage its employees to volunteer. They can volunteer through programs organized internally or externally. Our company may sponsor volunteering events from other organizations.

Preserving the environment

Apart from legal obligations, our company will proactively protect the environment. Examples of relevant activities include:


Conserving energy

Using environmentally-friendly technologies

Supporting the community

Our company may initiate and support community for example, we give contract to construct toilets at police station and other public places, donation motors and pumps to the students for their practical education


Our company keeps learning novel things day by day to cope up with the current Era. The company is focusing on to adopt new technology which protect Environment, create more employment, Generation of Electricity with the help of Nature.

Disclaimer: This policy template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. It may not take into account all relevant local, state or federal laws and is not a legal document. Neither the author nor Workable will assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this policy.